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Eric Hill is a 2001 graduate of Pottsgrove High School where he played football, basketball, and baseball.  As the quarterback, he led the football team to a PAC-10 championship in 2000, helped the team win their first ever playoff game, and earned the Tall Cedars Award.

After high school, Eric attended Millersville University where he was a PSAC Scholar Athlete throwing javelin for the track and field team.  He graduated from Millersville with a degree in Elementary Education as well as a minor in Athletic Coaching.  He then earned a Master’s Degree from St. Joseph’s University in Instructional Technology.

Eric has been teaching at Spring-Ford for 15 years with the last 6 being math/science.  Eric coached 7th and 9th grade baseball for 3 years and 9th grade football for 3 years.

Eric enjoys working out and is a trainer at Crossfit Rage in Skippack.  He lives in Pottstown with his wife, Mary and their 7- year-old quadruplets, Hannah, Mia, Cameron, and Cooper.

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